Friday, July 9, 2010

Sitting on Peoples´ Porches Drinking Coffee

I have been informed that I am being a bad blogger.. so I will try to pick up my game. Things have been pretty relaxed these last few weeks. The schools are currently on vacations, which is their mid-year break. In Costa Rica, the school year begins at the end of January and ends early December (though I´ve heard that November is the unofficial end of the year). So my last week in town has been relaxed, as will the next.

I have been continuing to get to know people in town, and have been enjoying spending my afternoons in the houses of neighbors and friends. I can´t sufficiently express how friendly the town is. I especially adore the kids from the grade school that run to give me hugs whenever I´m out walking around town. One thing in particular that I am enjoying about this experience is that by spending an afternoon on a neighbor´s front porch, I am essentially doing my job, because I´m learning about Costa Rican culture, sharing my culture and through general conversation I am learning what types of projects interest people in my town. I particularly love the aspect of learning about culture here, because everyone is so excited to share their lives. People are particularly amazed at the common things I have never done in my life, such as killing snakes and milking cows. All in due time...

For the 4th of July weekend I traveled to San Jose to celebrate Independence Day with the other volunteers. We found out that their is an annual picnic (50th year this year!) in San Jose, which was a lot of fun. Normally I am not a fan of corny typical holiday celebrations but I think 4 months outside of the States has made me start missing some of the things that I love about the states. We enjoyed an all you can eat/drink, live rock band, traditional games and sports kind of day. Though I have to note, that after being around 4 months of energetic latin music and dance.. the optional square dance lesson wasn´t my cup of tea. But it was good to be back in the city, see close friends and visit my host family.

8 hours by bus later and back in Comte... I am looking foward to the next month from a work stand-point, because I will be starting computer classes in the grade school, finishing up my town diagnostic and holding a community-wide meeting to discuss potential projects that we can work on over the next 2 years. I see a lot of potential and looking foward to the meeting as a jumping-off point for larger projects.

As always, much love to friends and family in the states. Pura vida.


  1. Your blogging skills. Amazing. Pretty jealous that you get to spend your days drinking coffee and lounging. Those are two of my favorite activities. Sounds like you're fitting into the culture perfectly.

  2. grampa loves you and is so proud of you !!!

  3. Mom is helping Grandpa use the comments.

  4. grandpa loves you one more time.

  5. haha reading these comments just made my night. Thanks grandpa! I´m glad you are able to read the blog! I love and miss you and grandma

  6. Hi Hannah!

    We have copies of all your blogs, being most impressive and proud
    of what you are doing and accomplishing.

    We here, on the home front, are doing well. Grandma making quilts
    and yours truly doing other stuff.

    Keep healthy and stay in touch.

    Grandma and Grandpa

  7. Hi Hannah,

    I just read a few of your blogs. It sounds like a thrilling experience. One that will define you for the rest of your life. I'm so glad you became a peace corp. member. You are helping lots of people and learning at the same time. I'm thinking of you and remember. I love my nieces to pieces.

    Aunt Sharon
