Friday, April 1, 2011

English as a tool for basic development

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am currently working with my community grade school to build an English classroom. A number of years ago, Comte experienced an earthquake that destroyed a large part of the infrastructure of the grade school. As a result, in 2009 a number of buildings were found to not meet Ministry health and safety regulations and were therefore destroyed. The school director, school board and parents of the children have been working to fund the construction of 5 buildings on the school property. One of these buildings would be an English classroom. As Comte is located 10 miles from the beach and Costa Rica is a popular tourist destination, English as a foreign language is an important skill for personal and professional development. While EFL is of great importance for youth and members of the community, its educational center lacks the proper infrastructure to provide an acceptable and equipped area for the children to receive their English classes. Currently, 100% of the student population receiving English classes receive their lessons in the kindergarten building and a church across the street.

The goal of the project is to construct an English classroom in the grade school. The classroom would provide the students with a secure and stable environment to facilitate the learning and exploration of English as a foreign language. The building would also be used to provide English night classes to adults in the community.

My counterparts and I are currently in the fundraising stage of the process. This involves raising the funds necessary to pay for the construction materials. The community as a whole will provide the manual labor of the project.

If you would like more information on this project, please follow the link below:

Please also feel free to contact me for a copy of the project application. Thanks for support!

Pura vida.

1 comment:

  1. This is my first chance to say that the trip to Costa Rica was very special for me. The wonderful food, the beautiful countryside, the smart and captivating daughter.....
    Hannah, I loved meeting the Vargas family and your friends. Now I can know what everyone looks like when you mention them by name.
